We may already know that multiple earthquakes happened in Central Sulawesi with one that followed by 1.5 m to 4 m high tsunami hit Palu City. As of this morning October 1st, 2018, 1203 casualties have been reported, 46 missing, 540 injured, and more than 16,732 people have been evacuated and currently are living in the refugee camp.
The evacuation process is still on-going until now. As the damages are so great, some affected areas cannot be accessed easily due to the road condition that was ruined after the earthquake. Hope all people in Palu can stay strong until the help comes.

If you would like to support by giving a donation, you may do so through Yayasan Wahana Visi Indonesia by following below steps:
Transfer the amount to the bank account of Yayasan Wahana Visi Indonesia. The suggested amount is IDR500,000,-. Add “1” digits in the last nominal of your donation.
Example: IDR 500,001.
Bank Central Asia (BCA)
Account No.: 478 3019445
Send the proof of transfer via email to berbagi@wvi.or.id
or via Whatsapp to +62 811 1838 496.
All donations are counted regardless of the amount.
If you are in overseas, you may want to check out TransferWise.com on how to make the transfer easier. Sometimes, the admin fee is lower compared to transfer via the local bank.
Hope everything will be over soon.