How many of us still think that snorkelling is the same as swimming?
Okay, probably it does involve swimming skill to snorkel but still, both are two different things.

With the earth which 70% covered up by the water, plus, one of the main activities from most of the trips organized by Eazy is related to appreciating marine life, I see there is a need to organize one trip that is specifically just to learn, practice, enhance our snorkelling skills. So, we will get a better snorkelling experience and also avoid hurting marine life.

To date, human activity in the ocean is one of the factors that damaging the corals the most while we may know that coral reefs are the habitat and also the food source for many marine animals. Only less than 10% of the coral reefs in Indonesia is still in very good condition while more than 30% is in very bad shape. No reefs, no fish. If this keeps on going, all will be gone sooner or later and we will not get to enjoy the underwater world anymore.

eazycation-snorkelling is not swimming

It was 5 years ago since I knew about snorkelling and it was only about 2.5 years ago I am getting more understand about snorkelling and appreciating the underwater world. How I wish I knew all this earlier if I recall how much damages to marine life that I, myself, might have done in the first few years.

Often times, I saw people who kicking in the water without seeing where their feet or fins go which not seldom hitting the corals below them and also standing and touching the corals purposely – No, the corals are not rocks for you to rest or stand to take photos! If you don’t think you can handle yourself in the water, snorkel with your life jacket on, it is okay. If you are not comfortable wearing it, hold on it is okay, too! After some times, we will understand that actually, we don’t need to do much kicking when we snorkel. A very slow and smooth kick is more than enough to let us float and flow while enjoying the marine life on the surface. Fewer kicking, fewer splashes, visibility is better, too.

Hence, if you have never done snorkelling before and you have been wanting to try (Everything has to start somewhere) or you think you still need some practices to improve yourself in the water or even just want to snorkel in Seribu Islands, do consider to join us on the weekend trip (no leaves required) to Seribu Island on June 14-16, 2019.

As the main purpose is to learn and practice, we will have more snorkelling session than our usual weekend Seribu Island trip. Plus, we will also have an open sharing night where we can learn from each other’s :) It will be a relaxing trip staying in a homestay on one of the islands in Seribu. 

What do you think? Let me know. :)

See you around soon!

P.S: If you would like to know how the coral planting process is, do head on to this article – Coral Planting in Seribu