Just checking out how have you all been? It is already almost three months now and I can say this is the longest ever for me to stay at home. Some of you have asked me how I can survive so long without going to the mountain and the sea. Haha..well. Life still goes on. In fact, I quite enjoy the “pause” time. It is not the travelling that I miss, but it is the people that I miss. I miss meeting people! I believe the majority of us feel the same, don’t we?

Anyway, recently I just found out about this documentary show on Netflix, recommended by one friend. The title is “Jago: A Life Underwater”, an award-winning documentary about Rohani, an 80-year-old hunter who dives on a single breath descending to great depths for several minutes. It was set in Togian Islands of Indonesia. Probably, this is a documentary show with the most beautiful visual I have ever seen so far. Do check it out if you have not! At least, it could ease our craving of being in the ocean for now. To watch the trailer, click here.


Then, there is one short film, about 12 mins long which you can watch on Youtube. The title is “One Breath Around the World”. It shows the underwater world from a few countries. The audiovisual is breathtaking. Click here to watch the full video.


I think that is it for now. I am trying to look for some documentary show with similar visual but related to the mountain. I haven’t found any. If you have any shows related to nature that you think is worth to watch, do let me know! I mean, rather than watch too much energy-draining news, I think, spend some times to watch this kind of show is not a bad idea, too.

Stay safe, stay home, Explorers!

Until next time! :)

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P.S: I tell stories, too! You may read my recent article by clicking the thumbnail below. :)
