Hey, Explorers!

Apologize for not sending any updates last month. It’s been a little bit haywire with the unexpected plan to visit Fakfak, the oldest regency in the West Papua province. The local tourism board invited two friends and me to share our knowledge and experiences in Digital Tourism with the locals. The purpose is to give some insights into how we can utilize social media to boost the exposure of local tourism, in this case, Fakfak itself. It was an unusual task for me to do; however, it was an exciting one. Yeah, trying to be more useful to society at some point. Haha…

Fakfak is probably the greenest destination I have ever been to in Indonesia. It took 45 minutes to get there by flight from Sorong – the gate to Raja Ampat. Everywhere I go, I can see old trees along the road. It was still so natural. I must say that they are too humble all these times with the tourism potential that the destination has.

We did squeeze some time out to explore some places. We went birdwatching, diving, and also to a waterfall. Different types of Bird of Paradise reside in the Fakfak Nature Reserve Park. The diving spots were not far from the harbor but the water visibility was so good. And I was surprised to know that there are sites where we can see a few big marine animals. So exciting!

We intended to visit the nugmet plantation, which is a big commodity in the regency. Unfortunately, the harvest season was just over. Nothing to see anymore. So, we just went to one of the local’s houses that still has a nugmet tree with its fruits and learned how they usually do the harvest and process it after that.

Fakfak looks promising. I hope we can visit there together one day.

Another thing that I would like to share is I will be heading to Aceh next week! The API Awards Night (Indonesia Tourism Brand Award) will be held in Banda Aceh. I will be present at the event as one of the ambassadors. Aceh will be another totally different type of destination to visit in Indonesia. More photos and stories to come!

Orh! I almost forgot. Thanks to Explorers who turned up in our previous Meet & Greet online session. I was worried that I wouldn’t see anyone signing in at all! Haha… It was great to see the familiar faces.

So, I think that’s all I have for you for now! Until the next one!
Stay safe and healthy wherever you are.