Hey, Explorers!

Apologize for not sending any updates last month. It’s been a little bit haywire with the unexpected plan to visit Fakfak, the oldest regency in the West Papua province. The local tourism board invited two friends and me to share our knowledge and experiences in Digital Tourism with the locals. The purpose is to give some insights into how we can utilize social media to boost the exposure of local tourism, in this case, Fakfak itself. It was an unusual task for me to do; however, it was an exciting one. Yeah, trying to be more useful to society at some point. Haha…

Fakfak is probably the greenest destination I have ever been to in Indonesia. It took 45 minutes to get there by flight from Sorong – the gate to Raja Ampat. Everywhere I go, I can see old trees along the road. It was still so natural. I must say that they are too humble all these times with the tourism potential that the destination has.

We did squeeze some time out to explore some places. We went birdwatching, diving, and also to a waterfall. Different types of Bird of Paradise reside in the Fakfak Nature Reserve Park. The diving spots were not far from the harbor but the water visibility was so good. And I was surprised to know that there are sites where we can see a few big marine animals. So exciting!

We intended to visit the nugmet plantation, which is a big commodity in the regency. Unfortunately, the harvest season was just over. Nothing to see anymore. So, we just went to one of the local’s houses that still has a nugmet tree with its fruits and learned how they usually do the harvest and process it after that.

Fakfak looks promising. I hope we can visit there together one day.

Another thing that I would like to share is I will be heading to Aceh next week! The API Awards Night (Indonesia Tourism Brand Award) will be held in Banda Aceh. I will be present at the event as one of the ambassadors. Aceh will be another totally different type of destination to visit in Indonesia. More photos and stories to come!

Orh! I almost forgot. Thanks to Explorers who turned up in our previous Meet & Greet online session. I was worried that I wouldn’t see anyone signing in at all! Haha… It was great to see the familiar faces.

So, I think that’s all I have for you for now! Until the next one!
Stay safe and healthy wherever you are.

Hey, Explorers!

So, I finally decided to do the “Virtual Explorers Meet & Greet” this coming Friday, September 30th. This virtual meet and greet will happen on Google Meet. Free admission.

During the session, we will share a few unusual destinations like Korowai and Arfak in Papua and the Colossal Dance cultural festival in Nias. Also, probably Derawan, and Raja Ampat, if time permits. The purpose is to give a peek at what we could expect from visiting those destinations.

It will be awesome to see you guys (and your friends or families) signing in! I can’t wait!

“Virtual Explorers Meet & Greet”
September 30th, 2022
19.30 WIB (Jakarta Time) /
20.30 SGT (Singapore Time)

Here is the link to the Google Meet

eazycation meet and greet

And also, we now have the Indonesia Explorers Telegram Group! That’s where I will share information about destinations, latest updates and also upcoming trips. On top of that, a community. :) Click or scan the QR Code below to get into the group.

Lastly, our trip to Raja Ampat is confirmed! Rooms are limited, hence, if you would like to join, you still have the chance!

That’s all I have for you this time.
Hope to see you virtually this coming Friday!

Hey, Explorers!

Two annual events related to travel that lasted for four days were just over last weekend here in Jakarta. One is the Deep and Extreme Indonesia 2022 focused on underwater and marine tourism, and the other one is Indonesia Outdoor Festival focused on outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, cycling, kayaking, and many more.

This is the first time the event is held offline since the pandemic. Although I am sure that it was going to be a busy event, the crowd was way beyond my expectation. People started buying outdoor gear again and it simply showed one thing: the enthusiasm to travel is back. It is undeniable that traveling or taking a break from what we usually do has great benefits for ourselves – although it may dry up our pockets as well to some extent. Oops!


Anyway, let me also share our upcoming trips for this year. It is already September, so, not many months left if you decide to visit Indonesia this year!

• • •

22-27 October 2022
[6D5N] Mt. Bromo, Mt. Ijen, Baluran, Menjangan Island & Padang Bai
S$950 | Min. 6 pax
S$855 | Min. 8 pax
Sign up the latest by 8 October 2022

22-27 December 2022
[6D5N] Raja Ampat (Wayag & Batanta)
S$1475 | Min. 6 pax
S$1300 | Min. 8 pax
Sign up the latest by 20 October 2022

• • •

The final cost will be determined by the final number of participants. Have a great week ahead!

Hi, Explorers!

A few weeks ago, I happened to go trekking at one place called Kawah Ratu (direct translation: Queen Crater). It is located in Bogor – about 2.5 hours from Jakarta; it is still within the Halimun Salak National Park. The highlight of the place is the beautiful turquoise color river (or stream?) found near the crater itself. Although we still can see some boiling water puddle not far from there, however, surprisingly the flowing water is so cold! We can also dip inside the water to refresh ourselves after almost three hours of trek. The trail is not that hard, there are parts that have a similar terrain as Mt. Papandayan. Btw, I am planning for Mt. Papandayan Hiking this coming September!

eazycation-kawah ratu

Well, after such a long break from trekking or hiking, the “not that hard” trail still made almost my whole body aching the next morning (sweat!). Probably, I should arrange to go there one day for a short weekend getaway together. What do you think? :)

Anyway, there are some updates on the scheduled trips! You can always check it on our group calendar here or click on the photo below.

There are a few more new destinations added to the list. I also will organize one trip that once was so popular back then during our first few years starting the Indonesia Explorer Meetup Group, which is 6D5N Mt. Bromo, Mt. Ijen, Baluran National Park, and Menjangan Island! Reminiscing the good old times. :)

It will run on a similar itinerary with a few tweaks on the itinerary which I hope will even deliver a better travel experience together – it will start from Surabaya and end in Bali. I was hoping to share the final information together with this newsletter, however, I am still working on some pending details. I will only be able to release it likely by next week on Indonesia Explorer (Eazycation) Facebook Group!

That’s all I have for you for now. See you around soon!

Hi, Explorers!

While I can’t wait to see you around here in Indonesia soon, I am happy to see many of you have also been traveling around the globe or even just to somewhere not far from where you are living (thanks to social media in this case so that we can keep in touch virtually). As Indonesia’s border has opened and all restrictions are loosening up – almost getting back to how they used to be, and as I also have received some requests coming into my inbox, I think maybe…

… this is it!

It is time to welcome you, my friends, back to Indonesia! :)

This year, I plan for a few longer trips that you can consider joining if you are ready. Allow me to share more details as below.


[6D5N] Derawan Islands

3-8 September 2022

This time, our Derawan Islands trip will cover more places than the ones we had previously. The additional will be visiting the Dayak Village, Orangutan sighting, and also going to Teluk Sulaiman where we can see many sea turtles of any sizes in the wild. Expect to have a full dose of vitamin-sea when joining this trip!





[8D7N] Timor Overland 

18-25 October 2022

The highlight of this trip is that we will start from Kupang, the capital city of East Nusa Tenggara Province, and cross the border to Timor Leste. We will explore places in both areas as we go. Not only that, but we will also take a boat across to Atauro Island from Dili, the capital of Timor Leste.

Also, as this is during the Blue Whale migration season, although it is not guaranteed, we might get to see them in Atauro water followed by the smaller size cetaceans such as Spotted, Spinner, Bottle-nosed, and Rough-toothed Dolphins, Pilot, and Melon-headed Whale. Expect to enjoy nature, dive into the local culture, and certainly get refreshed!


[6D5N] Raja Ampat (Wayag & Batanta)

28 December to 2 January 2023

A place on the most eastern island of Indonesia, Papua, Raja Ampat has always been on my recommended place-to-go list for those who ask for my opinion. The beauty of nature speaks for itself, and the friendliness of Papuan always leaves memories and longing to come back again one day. Although the place is not really developed yet, we will be staying in a decent resort that can let us have a comfortable place to rest each day after the excursion.

The itinerary for the Raja Ampat trip this time will be a little bit different compared to the one I had organized before. This time we will also go to Batanta for a Dugong sighting. This seagrasses feeding mammal has made an appearance around the area for the past years although this wildlife sighting is not guaranteed. In Batanta, we will also do a little trekking to the Batanta Waterfall.

• • •

That’s all for the “bigger” trips I have in plan for this year. In between those, I might plan shorter trips just for a quick getaway. Remember to join our Facebook Group so you will always get the latest updates from me.

See you around soon!

Hi, Explorers!

This is my 1st bulletin after the last one that was written in June 2020.
(inhale. phew.)

When the pandemic started, I believe no one ever thought that it would happen in their whole life ever. If you read the article “The Story of Double Twenty” that I wrote on my personal blog, Peek Holidays, I was just back from visiting my family over Chinese New Year in Singapore when gradually everything started shutting down. For the sake of many people, doing activities and meeting people has become restricted, or maybe I should say, prohibited. For a long time, people avoided meeting eye to eye, distancing apart, and suddenly, the surroundings became so cold.

Like for everyone else who stays far from their family or the people they love, the news of border closings was shocking. The thought of not being able to see my family and my friends for an uncertain period of time was dreadful. Those friends include all of you, Indonesia Explorer fellas, my travelmates. :)

Staying positive during that time was not easy. There were times when negative thoughts steered my head, like driving on a freeway. Thanks partly to the facilities that we have nowadays, we can still stay connected despite the distance and restrictions.

At this point, as I am writing this, if I think it over, a tiny part of me still can’t believe that whatever happened in the past two years was actually real. It was like a nightmare, and I am glad that we are all awake now.

• • •

Almost nine months later, since everything shut down, I finally landed my foot on the floor of the aircraft again. I must say that the first time I stepped out of my so-called safe house and dropped myself off at the dangerous zone, a.k.a. airport, for my 12-day trip exploring East Nusa Tenggara with the local tourism board was quite interesting.

There were 13 of us in the group then. I recall the tension, the awareness of who was sitting next to us at the airpot, who we were talking to. How we couldn’t give a hug to one another. No flight meals were served on board, and we all ended up starving as we arrived at the destination airport in the early morning.

Masks and hand sanitizers have become must-have items in our bags. That’s not all. We had to get our finger on that oxymeter device that our group coordinator prepared every morning, and he once got panicked because the number shown on the device when I placed my finger was not within the normal range. He was ready to take me to the local hospital – an even scarier place during that time. Fortunately, it turned out that the inaccuracy was due to the device’s fault.

• • •

Two years later, the situation is already much better compared to then. It is almost back to normal like it used to be (I think!). And I finally made my first overseas trip to meet my family and spend quality time with them for a few months.

Last month, the Indonesian government finally opened the Indonesian border to international visitors. I must say that, thanks to the MotoGP event in Lombok last month, that has indirectly become the trial period for welcoming international visitors. At present, the entry point for tourism purposes is only available via Bali and is limited to certain countries. At the very least, it indicates that we will soon be able to fly in and out freely again.

Regardless of the never-ending bad news that appears whenever it pleases, we should probably ask ourselves if we are ready to leave our safe haven and live our lives as we used to be. To do what we love, chase our dreams, and most importantly, never give them up.

Time slipped away. Two years have passed. Although we might have lost many opportunities or missed the targets we have set for ourselves in the last two years, perhaps it is just like the popular quote says, “To rest is to prepare for a longer journey ahead.”

And I hope this lengthy newsletter doesn’t turn you away.

Until we meet again soon. Stay healthy!

[Update as of April 06, 2022] – Entry port for international visitors are already extended to many other airports in Indonesia as shown below.

VOA Indonesia Info

Hi, Explorers!

I am now in a different kind of mood greeting you all! Well, at least a better mood than the last few months. I believe all of you do feel the same, too! As of this week, people in Jakarta is officially back to the office to work. Some companies do arrange their staffs to come in shifts or back to the office in batches while some companies still allow their staffs to work from home.

I also heard that Pulau Seribu in Jakarta is opening up this week – however, the people are not ready to welcome visitor yet. If nothing changes, Bali is opening soon next month, and a few other places that I heard of have opened to welcoming visitors. Let’s hope that other places will follow gradually when the places and also the people are ready. And oh, all shopping mall in Jakarta is allowed to open already starting from today!

I wish that I could immediately pack up and go off somewhere and ask as many as possible of you to join me. However, besides not all country borders open yet, regardless of the urges, we should prepare ourselves for the new regulations or protocols in travelling as well – which I am following the possibly updates that have been released especially in Indonesia. I will share when everything is clear so no confusions will happen. So please, don’t confuse and let yourself in worries with some irresponsible news from unclear sources that spread like wildfire.

In here, I also personally would like to thanks to those who have initiated to support and made some contributions to one of the guides that I have been working together for years. It will certainly be really helpful for him and his family to sustain during a time like this. To me, knowing this is more than enough to keep me stay motivated during this non-travelling period. Haha.. I am delighted. :)

Another thing is, I decided to let go of Meetup Groups – Indonesia Explorers (Eazycation) and also Jakarta International Explorers (JIE) that I had maintained since 2013. The reason is that I have not been seeing any more activities, be it visit or RSVP, on the group for almost the last two years. We all started with Meetup but I think it is really the time to let go already. So, to continue keeping in touch with us, other members, and receive updates from us, I encourage you to join our Facebook Group. It is a private group, please just request to join and I will approve it manually. And to be clear, this is not the end yet. Haha..we just moved our communication onto Facebook. ;)

Well, nevertheless, I am excited! How about you? Let’s maintain the excitement until we all can meet and travel again, shall we?

Stay safe, stay healthy and keep in touch!

Just checking out how have you all been? It is already almost three months now and I can say this is the longest ever for me to stay at home. Some of you have asked me how I can survive so long without going to the mountain and the sea. Haha..well. Life still goes on. In fact, I quite enjoy the “pause” time. It is not the travelling that I miss, but it is the people that I miss. I miss meeting people! I believe the majority of us feel the same, don’t we?

Anyway, recently I just found out about this documentary show on Netflix, recommended by one friend. The title is “Jago: A Life Underwater”, an award-winning documentary about Rohani, an 80-year-old hunter who dives on a single breath descending to great depths for several minutes. It was set in Togian Islands of Indonesia. Probably, this is a documentary show with the most beautiful visual I have ever seen so far. Do check it out if you have not! At least, it could ease our craving of being in the ocean for now. To watch the trailer, click here.


Then, there is one short film, about 12 mins long which you can watch on Youtube. The title is “One Breath Around the World”. It shows the underwater world from a few countries. The audiovisual is breathtaking. Click here to watch the full video.


I think that is it for now. I am trying to look for some documentary show with similar visual but related to the mountain. I haven’t found any. If you have any shows related to nature that you think is worth to watch, do let me know! I mean, rather than watch too much energy-draining news, I think, spend some times to watch this kind of show is not a bad idea, too.

Stay safe, stay home, Explorers!

Until next time! :)

• • •

P.S: I tell stories, too! You may read my recent article by clicking the thumbnail below. :)


Who would expect that we are taking a break longer than we ever thought of?

It is a difficult time for most of the people in any part of the world – regardless of the industry. Not all but most of them got hit badly especially in tourism. I heard that many people lost their jobs – it is a sad truth. With the current situation, many companies and business owners try hard to survive. However, not few that have to dismiss their staffs either for temporary or until further notice.

I hope all of you are doing well.

Both in Singapore and Indonesia and other affected countries have been implementing tighter measures in order to contain the spread. All I hope is all of us to follow and remind each other to hold firm of the protocol.

No one knows when will this invisible enemy be gone. However, what we know is we pull up ourselves together in this, we can help to reduce the numbers. I think this is the only number that no one hopes to see it increases.

Let’s do our part to support those standing in the frontline by staying in and only go out for the necessities. Don’t make this is an option but a must.

Nevertheless, I thank those who have been checking on me for the last few weeks. :) It is a tough time but I am thankful that so far I am still in good health. Hope to see you all again soon in real – not via Zoom! :D

Stay healthy, productive and positive, Explorers!

Until next time! :)

P.S: I am still reachable as usual via Whatsapp or email! Keep in touch! ;)

Or a betterment from last year?

Anyway, whatever it is, I would like to wish everyone a super great year ahead, healthy, happy, and not to forget, more exploring, too! :)

Last November, we went to Komodo National Park. 12 of us in the group. Although it was supposed to be rainy season already, however, we didn’t really experience raining days. The grasses and the hills were all still dry and brown. The raining season came late. Not only in the Komodo Islands but also in other parts of Indonesia.

Nevertheless, we all saw the Komodo Dragons! We also saw Cuttlefish, Octopus, Manta Ray, and other interesting fish and marine creatures when we snorkelled. Personally, I am glad that we did this trip together last year.

After the Komodo Islands, six of us from the group continued to Ende for our Flores Overland Trip. We made it to Mt. Kelimutu, Riung National Park, as well as trekking up to the Waerebo Village. The weather was kind to us throughout the trip although it was a long journey on some of the days and the road condition was challenging. However, I believe, all was paid-off.

After Christmas, New Year, here come the Lunar New Year! There is one unusual trip that I organize for this very occasion – 4D3N Cap Go Meh Festival-The Supernatural Tatung Parade in Singkawang, IndonesiaIt might be the most bizarre Cap Go Meh we would have ever experienced. I think.

Then, we will also try to go to Banda Naira, Central of Maluku, in May. The journey can be quite challenging – comparable to going Taka Bonerate. The nearest airport is Ambon and from Ambon, we will be continuing by taking a fast boat (4-6 hours) or ferry ship (overnight in the cabin) to across to Banda Naira.

Now the question is: are you in?

To more exciting journeys ahead! :)