That night, our group of 7, divided into two groups. Five of us camped at Alun-Alun Surya Kencana while the other two camped on the summit of Mount Gede with a rented tent from a kiosk that selling hot drink and meals near there. They were too exhausted to continue to Alun-Alun Surya Kencana which was still about an hour trek down to the valley.

The temperature that night was unexpectedly cold as well. I didn’t check. I was told the next morning that that night the temperature dropped to 5ºC. I usually can stand cold but I was freezing. We prepared for the cold but not to that degree. We wore layers and put on everything we had to keep us warm. One of us even said they he noticed the dew on our tent was frozen.

A few days ago, I read from the news that the temperature around Mount Bromo and Semeru also unusually dropped, snowflakes were seen at some of the areas. It seems that global warming, climate change have affected our living significantly.

eazycation-pulau seribu

Meanwhile, earlier this month, our group of 4 went to Seribu Island in Jakarta to explore and practice our snorkelling and freediving skill. The weather was pleasant and the water visibility was much better than I have ever encountered before so far in Seribu. We went to a few new spots and we saw big corals and abundance of reef fish and some other type of fish.

In term of marine life, compared to other places in Indonesia, Seribu may not be able to live to that standard. However, considering the location that is so near to Jakarta with multiple flights available daily, I would say, it is not that bad at all. Although I can’t deny that I spotted many broken corals that may be caused by the bad practice of human activities as well as the impact of climate change.

Since August 2018, I have started encouraging participants to bring their own water bottle and I no longer provide bottled mineral water during the trip. Instead, I prepare a water gallon to refill our own water bottle. This is one of the ways that I could think of as to reduce plastic wastes that has become one of the biggest pollutions to our environment – be it on the land or underwater.

We are living in a beautiful world but how long the beauty will last if all keep degrading this way?

If you have any thoughts regarding the trips or anything that you think is useful and you want to share with Eazy community, please feel free to let me know. :)

How many of us still think that snorkelling is the same as swimming?
Okay, probably it does involve swimming skill to snorkel but still, both are two different things.

With the earth which 70% covered up by the water, plus, one of the main activities from most of the trips organized by Eazy is related to appreciating marine life, I see there is a need to organize one trip that is specifically just to learn, practice, enhance our snorkelling skills. So, we will get a better snorkelling experience and also avoid hurting marine life.

To date, human activity in the ocean is one of the factors that damaging the corals the most while we may know that coral reefs are the habitat and also the food source for many marine animals. Only less than 10% of the coral reefs in Indonesia is still in very good condition while more than 30% is in very bad shape. No reefs, no fish. If this keeps on going, all will be gone sooner or later and we will not get to enjoy the underwater world anymore.

eazycation-snorkelling is not swimming

It was 5 years ago since I knew about snorkelling and it was only about 2.5 years ago I am getting more understand about snorkelling and appreciating the underwater world. How I wish I knew all this earlier if I recall how much damages to marine life that I, myself, might have done in the first few years.

Often times, I saw people who kicking in the water without seeing where their feet or fins go which not seldom hitting the corals below them and also standing and touching the corals purposely – No, the corals are not rocks for you to rest or stand to take photos! If you don’t think you can handle yourself in the water, snorkel with your life jacket on, it is okay. If you are not comfortable wearing it, hold on it is okay, too! After some times, we will understand that actually, we don’t need to do much kicking when we snorkel. A very slow and smooth kick is more than enough to let us float and flow while enjoying the marine life on the surface. Fewer kicking, fewer splashes, visibility is better, too.

Hence, if you have never done snorkelling before and you have been wanting to try (Everything has to start somewhere) or you think you still need some practices to improve yourself in the water or even just want to snorkel in Seribu Islands, do consider to join us on the weekend trip (no leaves required) to Seribu Island on June 14-16, 2019.

As the main purpose is to learn and practice, we will have more snorkelling session than our usual weekend Seribu Island trip. Plus, we will also have an open sharing night where we can learn from each other’s :) It will be a relaxing trip staying in a homestay on one of the islands in Seribu. 

What do you think? Let me know. :)

See you around soon!

P.S: If you would like to know how the coral planting process is, do head on to this article – Coral Planting in Seribu

I am not sure how many of you noticed that the domestic airfares have experienced some adjustment since the beginning of this year, unfortunately, a little higher than before. I won’t sugar-coat what I am about to say. As a planner and the organizer myself, I feel the hit. I was frustrated – calculating the costs and finding the best route and ways to get you to the destination with the minimum cost. However, I still find the cost sometimes is ridiculous. I almost gave up.

I had a conversation with a few local operators and guides that they do also get the same hit. Even I heard that some hotels are reducing their prices to make up the guests for the airfares they pay for.

I admit it. To travel and to explore Indonesia, especially to not so well-developed yet areas, the price we have to pay is more than enough to send us to travel to other countries that offer much better facilities. It is not seldom I heard people commented, “Why spend so much just to travel to Indonesia? Might as well we go to country A or B (and so on)”

Yes, the choice is yours.

Just that on the side note, we have to also remember that Indonesia, although, it may still be considered as the third world country by some people,  so left behind in everything, lack of maintenance in many ways, corrupted people, maybe? But, it is still a country that offers some experiences and values that worth every cents and effort of ours for coming here.

Every country is unique in its own way. A comparison is not necessary.

I am curious how everything is going to turn out with all the changes from the private sectors and the government. Nevertheless, I only hope I will still see you somewhere in Indonesia, sometimes this year. :)  

Until then.

Well, it may still be far from the standard of what people think about luxury in common. But, tell ya, it is still a luxury. Especially in the Komodo Islands, Indonesia.

I remember our first trip to the Komodo Islands was in 2014. There are not many choices of sailing boat to choose from at the time yet. We did get one boat and we did live on board but we all prefer to sleep on the upper deck under the millions of stars for that night than in the so-called our cabin room. Even though we got only very basic and limited facilities, we still had fun though. :)

After several years, more boats are being made available – including the Phinisi boats that were built in the boatbuilder village in Tanaberu, Sulawesi. Now it is right there in Komodo Islands. If in earlier days, we were worried about the comfort and convenience in bringing our family to enjoy Komodo Islands, now, I can assure you that you can leave all those worries at home and hop in with your family and friends to enjoy the beautiful islands at ease.

Anyway, I schedule one trip to Komodo Islands with a Phinisi boat, Cajoma V, which will bring us around to explore Komodo Islands for three days two nights on October 27-30, 2019. To get a more comfortable price for each pax, we have to get a minimum of 15 pax. However, if we don’t reach that number, we can always proceed with a cost adjustment or change to a smaller boat with similar facilities. Let’s see. :) More details about the trip, please click on the button below.

Early bird discount applied for those who sign up before end of March 2019!

We are still in the first month of the year. It is still not too late. I think. :p

Last month – December 2018, we had more adventures than in other months. We went hiking at Mount Papandayan in Garut in the early of the month and then to Bunaken and Lembeh during Christmas weekend. Lastly, we spent our new year together in Sorong City at West Papua right after our trip to Raja Ampat.

I am glad that everyone enjoyed the trip. Personally, I felt happy that there were a few first-timer to hiking and snorkelling who joined us. It always great to know that more and more people interested in going outdoors. There is one sort of happiness to see people come together to enjoy nature.


There was one member asked me how long more I will be organizing trips like this? I said,“Maybe one year more or two years more.” But in my heart, I know I will want to do this as long as I can although I might not be the one to lead anymore.

If you have not already known, since the first outing until now, it’s been 5 years. On the side note, whenever you join the trip I organize, you are not only supporting me but also supporting the locals at the destination we are heading to, too. And I am really thankful for that. :)


To bring more people to get to know Indonesia and to remind people to take a break are always be my aims. Everyone works hard and everyone deserves to have a break. Although it doesn’t mean that you always have to join my trip but just remember to take a break no matter how busy you are.

In this 2019, I don’t hope much. I just wish that all of you always stay happy, healthy and never stopped being active. Love the nature as much as we love the people.

Until next time!


We may already know that multiple earthquakes happened in Central Sulawesi with one that followed by 1.5 m to 4 m high tsunami hit Palu City.  As of this morning October 1st, 2018, 1203 casualties have been reported, 46 missing, 540 injured, and more than 16,732 people have been evacuated and currently are living in the refugee camp.

The evacuation process is still on-going until now. As the damages are so great, some affected areas cannot be accessed easily due to the road condition that was ruined after the earthquake. Hope all people in Palu can stay strong until the help comes.

If you would like to see the full report of the situation as of today, please click on this linkUnfortunately, I only manage to get one in the Indonesian language.

If you would like to support by giving a donation, you may do so through  Yayasan Wahana Visi Indonesia by following below steps:

Transfer the amount to the bank account of Yayasan Wahana Visi Indonesia. The suggested amount is IDR500,000,-. Add “1” digits in the last nominal of your donation.
Example: IDR 500,001.

Bank Central Asia (BCA)
Account No.: 
478 3019445

Send the proof of transfer via email to
or via Whatsapp to +62 811 1838 496.

All donations are counted regardless of the amount.

If you are in overseas, you may want to check out on how to make the transfer easier. Sometimes, the admin fee is lower compared to transfer via the local bank.

Hope everything will be over soon.

After staying in our rented ‘home’ on Meetup for almost 5 years, we thought it is time for us to getting our own ‘home’ – a place where we all can be keeping in touch as a community and call it as our own. Hence, after a long consideration, we decided to close down the Indonesia Explorer (IDE) Meetup Group by end of November 2018. So, you still have time to access the group and download the photos or any other memories you have in there until then. How well we can do in our new home, no one knows. We take it as a growing process.

Even so, we hope that in the future, no matter where you are, especially for those who have been with us from the beginning, will remember we ever hike, trek and suffer together summited mountains in Indonesia, going to the villages in the remote areas, swim with the whale shark, see the graceful Manta Ray together, sleep in the open deck or even sleepless because we often catch early morning flights and sunrises. And it is Indonesia Explorer Meetup Group who has got us all – explorers, together.

Thank you for all your support all these years – for all the trusts and valuable feedback. Without all your support, IDE won’t be here until now. We hope we (especially myself) can always do better as an organizer and in some ways will still be continuing to explore and bring you to beautiful places around Indonesia – and hopefully also to other countries one day.

Btw, we won’t do any housewarming. Instead, we are giving S$25 voucher as an appreciation to each of you who comes to our new home on It might not be fully liveable yet, we are still tidying up a bit here and there so that you all can feel comfortable to browse around. Hope you will spread this good news to your friends and welcome them as you are the owner yourself.

Keep on exploring, explorers! Remember to take a break and take care! :)


Valid for one-time use per member /  Only valid for group trips /  The voucher shall be used for booking the latest by June 2019  /  No cash or credit alternative will be offered if this voucher is not redeemed / For members in Indonesia or members who choose to pay in Indonesian Rupiah, amount of IDR250,000,- will be deducted manually to any of your bookings

• Register an account on
• Browse through the group schedule to find out any upcoming trips that you might like to join
• Once you are ready to book, please add to cart any trips that you are interested in and the number of pax – regardless of the status “Open” or “Confirmed”
• On the cart summarize page, key in the “voucher code” and click apply coupon.
• The net amount payable after the offset will be reflected in the “Total”
• Follow the on-screen instructions to pay the remaining amount either by bank transfer or via PayPal

When I heard about this place for the first time, I had a hard time to pronounce and to remember the name. After repeating it a few times, I finally got it right. Taka Bonerate. In Buginese language (Buginese is one of the ethnic groups in Indonesia), Taka means coral/reef, bone means sands and rate means above. So, in all, Taka Bonerate means corals island over the sands.

The meaning of the name itself has explained it all. Taka Bonerate is one of the marine national parks in Indonesia which is located in Selayar Province, South Sulawesi. This park has the 3rd largest atoll in the world, after Kwajifein in the Marshall Islands and Suvadiva in the Maldives. The park spreads over 220.000 hectares, with a coral reef flat area is 500 km2 and comprises of more than 21 small islands.

To get here, we need a little extra effort though. Starts from Makassar then to Selayar Island and finally to Taka Bonerate. A quite long journey with multiple connections from the land to the sea transportation. But well, that’s a part of the journey and experience as well. Don’t you think so, Explorers? :)

Why am I telling you all these?

Because we will be heading there next month from November 18-22! We will start from Makassar around 4 am in the morning as all participants expected to reach Makassar by that time via Jakarta. Then for the next 4 days, we will be exploring islands around Taka Bonerate and back to Makassar on the 4th night and stay one night in Makassar. What’s more exciting is, this will be our IDE first trip to Sulawesi Island as well. Yay!

Then, from Taka Bonerate, we will continue to the highland of South Sulawesi – Torajaland or Tana Toraja, from November 22-26. Before heading there, we will first visit Rammang-Rammang Limestone Forest that is scattered for about 45 000 hectares (45A km²) and this is the third largest karst areas in the world, after Tsingy in Madagascar and Shilin in China.

Rammang Rammang

While at Tana Toraja , we will learn more about the local culture where the locals although deeply Christian, they still maintain their animist beliefs on death, sending their dead off in extravagant ceremonies that last days. Besides that, we will also see the statue of Jesus which is currently higher than the one in Brazil. But, that’s not all, we will also see what other things Tana Toraja has to offer and that’s including the beautiful landscapes and of course the delicious coffee of Toraja! Going for a little walk around the local villages, markets and interactive with the locals, doesn’t it sound good? :)

There are many exciting group trips have been lining up to November 2018, based on the “best” timing to visit each place. Feel free to check it out on group schedule.

So, that’s all I have for you for this month. Enjoy the month of Halloween! Booo….!

It’s been two years since I left my full-time job. Long enough to figure out what I want to do next – yes, I am doing what I want to do and have been longing to do. Last year, I tried to put all my focus and efforts in developing my travel blog and also starting my travel business with one business partner, unfortunately, it didn’t go well and it had impacted my health somehow, hence, I decided to stop and move on from everything that dragging and ruining myself, literally.

Eazy, who is she?

So, as suggested by few of my friends, to take a fresh start and to separate my travel blog with my travel business, so, here it is. Eazycation, or fondly called as Eazy, a platform specifically to cater all my travel planning service matters and also group tours that I organize. Slowly, I will also move out from the online group platform that I am currently using and build an exclusive community here on Eazycation.

Why I don’t turn to other industry?

Simply because I am enjoying doing all these. There are plus and minus in every work we do, in whatever profession we are. And I choose to be in this industry not only because I love all the planning matters but also because I am happy to see my clients going back to their country or city feeling refreshed and happy. Seeing a family has a quality time together, people come alone and go back with new friends, people are encouraged to try new things – snorkeling, diving, trekking, and much more. Although yes, not every trip goes smooth and sweet as I or all of us wish to be. But hey, keep swimming.

Eazy offers travel planning services for group or private tours as well as for family and company outing. Eazy builds partnership with the local agents to deliver the best service as possible to the clients.

It is definitely not an easy start to build something from zero and hopefully, everything goes well. And the good news is, I am currently in the midst of discussing with two overseas agents which I expect to finalize the latest by end of June. So, Eazycation will not only cater tours to Indonesia but will also expand to other neighboring countries. Just keep me in your prayer because all this can only be realized by supports of people around me which I believe that is including you. :)

Use #EazyTrips to share with me your travel photos wherever you go.Should you have any constructive feedbacks for me, feel free to drop me an email at Keep in touch!

On February last month, I had the privilege to be one of the invitees of the Familiarization Trip (Fam Trip) held by Central Java Tourism Board. We spent three days two nights to explore Kebumen and Purworejo which are regencies in the southern part of the Indonesian province of Central Java. We explore a few places during the trip and here I will just quickly share one.

Superman Big Sister Waterfall in Goa Barat, Kebumen

Goa Barat, one of the caves found in Kebumen Regency. It was named so by the local because wind often blowing out from the cave. ‘Goa’ in Javanese means wind and ‘Barat’ means west. So, Goa Barat means wind from the west.

I was amazed by how big the cave and how high the ceiling is. The terrain is also different compared to Buniayu Cave in Sukabumi, West Java. Here is mostly wet with debit water at a certain area up to chest high. But not to worry, we are equipped with a life jacket, safety helmet and also rubber shoes (kind of ‘kampung Adidas’) during our exploration.

What is so unique about the cave is we can find a number of waterfalls inside the cave. Big and small waterfalls, with the biggest waterfall as high as 32 meters which have a quite cute name – Superman Big SisterNarh, don’t ask me why they give it that name. Probably because it is strong and fierce like big sisters in common. (no offence to all sisters here! :p)

I did some video recording when I was in there. Hope you enjoy it!

[Featured image: Explore Kebumen]